Introduction to Community Action: A Nontraditional and Forward-Thinking Perspective

This session goes back to the beginning of community action by discussing the War on Poverty and the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. Participants will learn community action history and important information on how to utilize the uniqueness of community action to spark positive change for low-income families and at-risk communities.  The training will also discuss Berneitha’s analogy of community action being “the blue fish” and the best thing since sliced bread.  This session will be beneficial for both new and experienced community action staff.

The Innovative Case Manager:  A Guide to Spark Positive Change in the War on Poverty (6 hours of training)

This impactful training is designed to assist front-line community action staff and managers with implementing innovative strategies to be more effective in fighting the War on Poverty. Berneitha McNair Consulting (BMC) introduces buzz words that are important for case managers to enhance their capacity to achieve results for families and individuals. Participants will learn important information about outputs and outcomes in social services work and how to implement a holistic approach to service delivery that helps families achieve self-sufficiency.  The session will also provide tips to enhance case management skills and job development strategies.

The training will include the following sessions:

  • Buzz Words for New Possibilities in Community Action
  • Berneitha’s Ten Tips to Maximize Case Management in Community Action
  • Program Design is Key:  A Guide for a Winning Family Self-Sufficiency Programs
  • Outputs, Outcomes, and National Performance Indicators:  A Practical Guide to    Enhance Capacity and Impact
  • Effective Job Development in Community Action: The Elephant in the Room Conversation

Participant Files That Tell a Story: Effective Documentation of Outputs, Outcomes, and National Performance Indicators

The training provides a detailed discussion on how to document participant files in community action to effectively tell a story of stability and/or self-sufficiency. Participants will receive beneficial information related to documenting outputs, outcomes, and National Performance Indicators (NPIs).  The training also discusses valuable tips in completing high quality case notes.  This innovative session will help community action professionals learn impactful data entry strategies to ensure the tracking and reporting of required information.

Moving the Needle in CSBG: Providing Services, Verifying Outcomes, Entering Good Data, and Reporting Results

This training discusses important steps in the process of community action agencies achieving outstanding outcomes, while also directly discussing weaknesses and shortcomings that are keeping the network for reaching its full potential.  The trainer will provide a detailed examination of the following topics:  1) Innovative services and activities; 2) Process for verifying outcomes; 3) Intentional and effective approach for data entry; and 4) Dedication to robust reporting.  Participants will obtain information to improve CSBG programs, while also promoting effective data entry to tell customers’ story about a path to stability and/or self-sufficiency.

The Future of Community Action:  A Holistic Business Strategy with a Whole Family Approach to Service Delivery

The session defines and discusses Berneitha’s five buzzwords for new possibilities in community action: 1) Holistic business strategy; 2) Reimagined family self-sufficiency; 3) Whole family approach; 4) Economic security; and 5) Economic mobility. Participants will learn important information on incorporating a holistic business strategy into service delivery that focuses on the whole family. The session also highlights important aspects of reimagined family self-sufficiency, while also providing key tips in coordinating all programs implemented by a community action agency to promote economic security, economic mobility and long-term independence.

Getting Up Close and Personal with the Community Services Block Grant: A Blueprint for New Staff to Succeed

This session explains the why for CSBG and Community Action by discussing important elements of the War on Poverty and the Economic Opportunity Action of 1964.  Participants will learn about CSBG buzzwords such as case management, family self-sufficiency, outputs, outcomes, economic security, and economic mobility.  The session also discusses various types of customers, intakes, assessments, proper documentation, timely data entry, and compliance with policies, procedures and regulations. 

Berneitha’s Ten Ingredients to Effective Case Management in Community Action and Head Start

This worthwhile session examines ten practical and easy to master tips that will improve case management in community action.  Participants will learn how to implement high quality case management into their service delivery to help at-risk and low-income families achieve self-sufficiency.  The session also discusses the importance of incorporating job development and job placement activities as a part of case management to help families obtain employment that pays a living wage.

The Human Services Value Curve:  A Forward-Thinking Perspective on Outcomes and Impact in Community Action

The session defines, discusses, and analyzes the four horizons of the Human Services Value Curve:  1) Regulative Horizon; 2) Collaborative Horizon; 3) Integrative Horizon; and 4) Generative Horizon.  Participants will learn how to implement this innovative concept and incorporate each horizon into their community action service delivery in order to achieve valuable outcomes and lasting impact.  The session also provides intentional strategies to apply this forward-thinking concept agency-wide, focusing on the whole family and a holistic business strategy.